Crucifixion and Resurrection, Devotional


TRIAL #6: Second Trial Before Pilate

Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus, but the Jewish leaders continued to object.

In his final verdict, Pilate Declares Jesus “Innocent” and did not deserve to die. He told them: “I will punish Him and release Him” Luke 23:16.

Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However, the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified.

Pilate offered them a choice: Jesus or Barabbas? Of course, they chose Barabbas. So he released Barabbas to them – a notorious prisoner, a man in prison for insurrection and murder!

Pilate tried to protect the rights of Jesus to live, not to mention that the Madam wouldn’t be happy if he didn’t. Pilate resisted and but the people insisted.

So, when Pilate saw that he wasn’t getting anywhere with these people and that a riot was developing, he eventually gave the order to execute Jesus!

Death by Crucifixion was a capital punishment reserved for the most notorious criminals, and the Roman soldiers were only following orders given to them by their commanding officer. Pilate.

The Roman Soldier declared: “Behold the Man!” and “Hail, King of the Jews!” in mockery.

Pilate’s Roman soldiers took Jesus into the court and continued the mockery and the torture, including twisting together a crown of thorns and driving these thorns into his skull. They also dressed him in a purple robe and gave him a royal staff in mockery.

Then they led Him away to crucify Him.

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