Crucifixion and Resurrection, Devotional


Jesus and His Disciples at their private Passover dinner at the Upper Room.

On arrival at the Upper Room for the Passover, first of all, Jesus washed His Disciples’ Feet, which obviously must have been dusty from the 5km walk from Mt Olives; and more importantly, to teach them service and humility.

Jesus then predicted His betrayal by one of them seated there with Him.

This revelation threw His Disciples into expected confusion, so Jesus identified His Betrayer without mincing words.

Mr Judas Iscariot.

At that Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Holy Communion, describing the Bread as His Body, and the Wine as His Blood.

Judas Iscariot then got up from the Table, and left the Room, obviously to pursue his betrayal agenda. But others thought that since Judas was their treasurer, he went to buy more supplies.

Thereafter, Jesus began to give them HIS FINAL Words.

He instituted new doctrines and gave them a new commandment – Love.

Central to these discussions was the Promise of the Holy Spirit – The Comforter whom the Father would send in Jesus’s name.

Jesus began to say His farewell, and also predicted Peter’s betrayal, even though believed his 2 swords were enough for self defence, just in case.

The Upper Room Discourse ended with words of encouragement: “Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled, believe in God, believe also in me” John 14:1.

Watch out for the third part as Jesus waited for His arrest at Gethsemane.

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