Crucifixion and Resurrection


We continue with the day-by-day account of how Jesus spent the final week on earth, physically.

Tuesday started with the journey back to Jerusalem from Bethany.

On the way, Jesus’s company realized that the Fig Tree He cursed the previous day had withered and died from the root!

On arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus had some intense discussions with the people at the Temple and religious leaders.

Discourse I – The Parable of the Two Sons the one who did the Will of their father and the one that didn’t; the wicked husbandman who killed the master’s son & Heir etcetera.

Discourse II – The Parable of the Great Supper/ On Paying Tribute to Caesar/ The Great Commandment / Resurrection Debate with the Sadducees on whether there’s marriage in heaven, etcetera.

Discourse III – Jesus had one final discourse with the Pharisees where He asked: Whose son is the Messiah?

Then that was the end of His discourse with the Public:

The Bible wrote: “No one could answer him. And after that, no one dared to ask him any more questions”. Matthew 22:46.

Jesus’ next public appearances and questioning happened only after He was arrested.

He left some “Woes” to the Scribes and Pharisees.

Thereafter, He Lamented over Jerusalem, and said His farewell.

As expected, Jesus would return to Bethany again for the night. But before leaving Jerusalem, He did a few things.

Watch out for the Bonus Tuesday post.

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